Villa St. Clair Wedding Photography | Randy & Michael – Austin, TX

Villa St. Clair Wedding Photography | Randy & Michael – Austin, TX

Randy and Michael got married at the beautiful Villa St. Clair! The make up artist was over a hour late so the make up was finished till an hour past the ceremony scheduled start time. No worries though! The staff was on top of everything and kept the crowd fed and happy. The lighting ended up being perfect when we actually did start the ceremony and I was able to get some amazing photos. Enjoy my favorite pics!

Here is a snip it from Villa St. Clair’s website:

“Villa St. Clair is a full service wedding venue in Austin, Texas. When you book with us not only will you get our gorgeous facility, but you will also get our incredible catering services, modern floral and decor designs, and experienced wedding planning expertise. You will experience hassle free planning as we start to create your wedding. Villa St. Clair is the best wedding venue in Austin for you. You will be able to experience your wedding day and watch your dream day come true.  “

To the other vendors who helped out with this great wedding in Austin Texas: Feel free to share this blog post as well as use the wedding photos from this page. The photos all contain watermarks so use as you wish. Photo credit (Matt Montalvo Photography) is always appreciated and you can link the photos back to   If you need more particular photos not posted here feel free to contact me through my site. Cheers!

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Villa St. Clair Wedding Photography | Randy & Michael – Austin, TX